Saturday, May 1, 2010


It's kind of a way of farm life: you get a lot more bumps and bruises, cuts and wounds on a farm where you're constantly using tools and machinery than you would in "normal" life. Milan is always coming in with some new injury. This was the most recent:

Probably doesn't look too bad from the photo, but this was already at a day old. He basically took a chunk out of the end of his finger with a router. It bled like crazy and was a nasty-looking wound!

I manage to avoid the tool-related injuries, but still get my share. About a month-and-a-half ago now, my biggest horse stepped on my smallest toe. I think she crushed it, because it's hurt pretty good ever since.

But, you just suck it up and go on. Milan didn't even come up to the house after doing this one. When he finally did come in that night, he said, ever-so-casually, "Oh, I cut my finger."

"How bad?" I replied.

"Pretty bad," he said.

"Are you serious? Let's see it."

He had to be pressed to take the bandage off and the thing was still bleeding a lot, hours later. Both of us got a little queasy while cleaning and dressing it.

Healed up nicely, though! Milan's hands take such a beating and seem to rally amazingly well.

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