Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Please visit our new home

As the calendar shows, we've been away for a few years. We moved off the farm to try life in New England, and it's been lovely. Despite being a bit more crowded with people than southern Oregon, the landscape is beautiful (especially in fall) and there is such a rich heritage of farm life all around. The roads are not wide and straight like out West, but rather meandering and narrow like the old livestock paths under the pavement, and barns from the 1600's make our 1890's barn on the farm seem downright modern. The rock walls, gentle coastline, four seasons, Colonial homes and maple syrup are worth seeing and experiencing for yourself.

But we always knew we might eventually return to the Oregon farm, and we think the burgeoning hemp industry may be our opportunity. To this end we started a new brand for the organic hemp products we make called Oregon Organics. We're growing all of this on the same Sojourn Farm you would remember, but thought the new brand would help establish us a bit better for folks who didn't know us before. We probably won't return to the poultry business, but will likely open the place to events again as we get moving. Please let us know your thoughts by reaching us on the contact page. Hope to see you soon!